46 Inspiring Quotes From Basquiat

» Art » 46 Inspiring Quotes From Basquiat

Basquiat quotes are a collection of sayings and quotes from the late American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Known for his distinctive neo-expressionist style, his quotes often reflect his views on social and political issues, as well as his thoughts on the creative process. His work speaks to a variety of themes, from the racism and systematic oppression he experienced as a black artist, to his appreciation for art and music, and his take on life. His words provide insight into his complex personality and the journey he took to become one of the most revered figures of modern art.

46 Best Basquiat Quotes

46 Best Basquiat Quotes

  1. “I don’t listen to what art critics say. I don’t know anybody who needs a critic to find out what art is.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  2. “I don’t think about art while I work. I try to think about life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  3. “I don’t think about art when I’m working. I try to think about life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  4. “I don’t think about art. I just do it.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  5. “I don’t think about art. I just do it.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  6. “I don’t think about art when I’m working. I think about life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  7. “I don’t believe in art. I believe in the artist.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  8. “I don’t think about art when I’m working. I think about life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  9. “I’m not a black artist, I’m an artist.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  10. “My paintings are not about what is seen. They’re about what is known forever in the mind.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  11. “Life is short and the world is wide.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  12. “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  13. “Paint what you know, not what you see.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  14. “Art is about life and the struggle for life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  15. “Art is a way of understanding life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  16. “Art is a way of expressing the inexpressible.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  17. “The process of creating art is as important as the finished product.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  18. “I don’t think about art when I’m working. I think about life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  19. “I’m not interested in the past, I’m interested in the present.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  20. “There’s a lot of stuff about me that’s not on canvas.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  21. “The more I paint, the more I like it.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  22. “I paint my own reality.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  23. “My paintings are not about what is seen. They’re about what is known forever in the mind.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  24. “I think a lot about death and the idea of mortality.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  25. “I want people to know that I’m not afraid of death.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  26. “My art is an attempt to make sense out of chaos.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  27. “I don’t think about art when I’m working. I’m thinking about life.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  28. “My paintings are not about what is seen. They’re about what is know forever in the mind.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  29. “I believe in the power of art to transform lives.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  30. “I want to make art that will make people think, and feel something.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  31. “I believe in the power of art to express the inexpressible.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  32. “I believe in the power of art to challenge the status quo.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  33. “I want to make art that will make people think, and feel something.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  34. “I believe in the power of art to make a difference in the world.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  35. “I believe in the power of art to create change.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  36. “I want to make art that has a real impact on people’s lives.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  37. “I believe in the power of art to inspire and to heal.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  38. “I want to make art that speaks to people.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  39. “I believe in the power of art to bring people together.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  40. “I want to make art that will move people.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  41. “I believe in the power of art to create a better world.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  42. “I want to make art that speaks for itself.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  43. “I believe in the power of art to transform lives.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  44. “I want to make art that will last.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  45. “I believe in the power of art to move us forward.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat

  46. “I want to make art that will make a difference.”

    – Jean-Michel Basquiat


Basquiat is one of the most influential painters of the 20th century and his quotes are full of insight and inspiration. His words reflect his unique perspective on art and life and continue to inspire generations of creators and thinkers. Whether you’re an aspiring artist or just looking for some quick motivation, these Basquiat quotes will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the world.


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