61 Inspiring Little Red Riding Hood Quotes

» Childhood » 61 Inspiring Little Red Riding Hood Quotes

Little Red Riding Hood is a timeless classic, and as such, it has some memorable quotes. One of the most famous quotes comes from the wolf, who says, “All the better to see you with, my dear.” This quote is often used to describe someone who has a keen eye or sharp wit. Another well-known quote comes from Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother, who says, “Oh, what big eyes you have.” This quote is often used to describe someone who is observant or alert. Finally, the most famous quote from the story comes from Little Red Riding Hood herself, who says, “What a deep voice you have!” This phrase is often used to describe someone who is confident and assertive.

61 Best Little Red Riding Hood Quotes

61 Best Little Red Riding Hood Quotes

  1. “Grandmother, what big eyes you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  2. “All the better to see you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  3. “Grandmother, what big ears you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  4. “All the better to hear you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  5. “Grandmother, what big teeth you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  6. “All the better to eat you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  7. “Oh! I’m so frightened!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  8. “Don’t be afraid, my child. Come in to my arms.”

    – The Wolf

  9. “No, no! I must go now.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  10. “But why?”

    – The Wolf

  11. “My mother told me to come straight home.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  12. “But, sweetheart, I’m your grandmother.”

    – The Wolf

  13. “You don’t look like my grandmother.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  14. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  15. “Oh, my! What a deep voice you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  16. “The better to greet you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  17. “What a big nose you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  18. “The better to smell you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  19. “What a long tail you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  20. “The better to keep you warm, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  21. “What big hands you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  22. “The better to hug you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  23. “What big feet you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  24. “The better to run away with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  25. “What a big voice you have!”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  26. “The better to scare you with, my dear.”

    – The Wolf

  27. “I’m so scared! I must go home now.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  28. “But why? Don’t be afraid.”

    – The Wolf

  29. “No, I must go home. My mother has asked me to.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  30. “But why? Your mother isn’t here.”

    – The Wolf

  31. “Yes, but she told me not to talk to strangers.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  32. “But I’m not a stranger. I’m your Grandmother.”

    – The Wolf

  33. “My mother told me to never talk to strangers.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  34. “But I’m not a stranger. I’m your grandmother.”

    – The Wolf

  35. “You don’t look like my grandmother.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  36. “What do you mean? I’m your grandmother.”

    – The Wolf

  37. “My grandmother doesn’t have a big red nose.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  38. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  39. “My grandmother doesn’t have big red eyes.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  40. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  41. “My grandmother doesn’t have big furry ears.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  42. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  43. “My grandmother doesn’t have a long tail.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  44. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  45. “My grandmother doesn’t have big feet.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  46. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  47. “My grandmother doesn’t have big hands.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  48. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  49. “My grandmother doesn’t have a deep voice.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  50. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  51. “My grandmother doesn’t have big teeth.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  52. “My, what a clever child you are!”

    – The Wolf

  53. “I must go home now.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  54. “But why? Don’t you want to stay and play?”

    – The Wolf

  55. “No, I must go home.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  56. “But why? Don’t be afraid.”

    – The Wolf

  57. “No, I must go. My mother told me to.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  58. “But why? I want to keep you here with me.”

    – The Wolf

  59. “No, I must go home. My mother will be worried.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood

  60. “But why? Don’t you want to stay and play?”

    – The Wolf

  61. “No, I must go home. My mother asked me to.”

    – Little Red Riding Hood


In conclusion, the story of Little Red Riding Hood is a timeless tale that has been told and retold for centuries. Its characters and quotes have become iconic and the story will continue to be loved and shared for generations to come. Little Red Riding Hood’s quotes are often used to remind us of the importance of being careful, of paying attention to our surroundings, and of being kind to others. They are an important reminder of the values of our society, and a great way to start a conversation with our children.


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