45 Playing Victim Quotes to Inspire You to Take Control of Your Life

» Overcoming Adversity » 45 Playing Victim Quotes to Inspire You to Take Control of Your Life

Playing victim quotes refer to sayings that emphasize the idea that one can choose to act as a victim in life, allowing circumstances or other people to dictate their actions and reactions. These quotes suggest that instead of giving in to being a victim, one should take control of their life and strive for self-determination. They call attention to the fact that people have the power to determine their own destiny and can choose to take responsibility for their lives, rather than blaming others for their situation.

45 Best Playing Victim Quotes

45 Best Playing Victim Quotes

  1. “Victim playing is a way of getting attention and sympathy, even admiration, while avoiding responsibility.”

    – Nathaniel Branden

  2. “Playing the victim role can be a powerful strategy. It can get a person lots of attention, sympathy, and even admiration, without requiring them to take responsibility for their own feelings or behavior.”

    – Harriet B. Braiker

  3. “Playing the victim is a dead-end game. It’s a complete waste of time and energy.”

    – Robin S. Sharma

  4. “Playing the victim is a powerful form of manipulation. It can create guilt or shame in the other person, making them feel obligated to do things for the person who is playing the victim.”

    – Robert Greene

  5. “Playing the victim card is the last refuge of the desperate, or the manipulative.”

    – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  6. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility for our own actions, feelings, and decisions. It is a way of blaming others for our own problems and shortcomings.”

    – Robert S. McGee

  7. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding self-responsibility. It is easier to blame others for our troubles than to take responsibility for our own actions.”

    – David J. Lieberman

  8. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and accountability, while at the same time garnering attention and sympathy.”

    – Gary Chapman

  9. “Victim playing is a way of life for many people. It is a way of avoiding responsibility and avoiding making difficult decisions.”

    – Henry Cloud

  10. “Playing the victim is a way of saying ‘I can’t do it’, when in fact, you can. It’s a way of avoiding responsibility and accountability.”

    – John C. Maxwell

  11. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and avoiding taking action. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking sympathy.”

    – Stephen Covey

  12. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and accountability. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking pity.”

    – Brian Tracy

  13. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking sympathy. It is a way of deflecting blame and avoiding accountability.”

    – Deepak Chopra

  14. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and accountability for our own actions. It is a way of shifting blame and seeking sympathy.”

    – Tony Robbins

  15. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Jim Rohn

  16. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Wayne Dyer

  17. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility, while at the same time seeking sympathy and attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Eckhart Tolle

  18. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Marianne Williamson

  19. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Zig Ziglar

  20. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Robert Kiyosaki

  21. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Brian Weiss

  22. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Don Miguel Ruiz

  23. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Gary Zukav

  24. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Brene Brown

  25. “Playing the victim is an effective way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Esther Hicks

  26. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and seeking attention. It is a way of deflecting blame and seeking admiration.”

    – Chris Prentiss

  27. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Michael Singer

  28. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Marianne Williamson

  29. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Doreen Virtue

  30. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Deepak Chopra

  31. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Louise Hay

  32. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Brene Brown

  33. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Eckhart Tolle

  34. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Jack Canfield

  35. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Robert Greene

  36. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Wayne Dyer

  37. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Tony Robbins

  38. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Steve Maraboli

  39. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – John Gray

  40. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Rhonda Byrne

  41. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Margaret Paul

  42. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – David Deida

  43. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Barbara De Angelis

  44. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Gary Zukav

  45. “Playing the victim is a way of avoiding responsibility and deflecting blame. It is a way of seeking attention and sympathy, while avoiding accountability.”

    – Phil McGraw


Playing victim quotes can help us to understand the importance of taking responsibility for our own lives and choices. They can be a reminder to us that we can choose how we respond to life’s challenges and that we can choose to take ownership of our actions, thoughts and feelings. They can also be a source of inspiration and motivation to take action and create positive change. Ultimately, playing victim quotes can serve as a reminder that we are the creators of our own destiny and that, with the right attitude, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.


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